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Article number: Article number: kb-3
Q. How do I add a mailbox?

A. Open a support ticket and give us the following info:

1) The full e-mail address (eg
2) The full name to appear on outgoing mail (eg Bob Flanders).
3) Initial password (you can change it later).

Optional: where to forward incoming mail (forward to multiple addresses is okay!).

Advanced users may access the mail admin panel for their domain here:

Open a support ticket if you don't know the postmaster password for your domain.
This page has been viewed 6192 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. How should I configure Outlook (or any pop3 mail program)? (viewed 12015 times)
2. I'm managing my own DNS. MX records? (viewed 6707 times)
3. Can I put a hit counter on my pages? (viewed 6554 times)
4. I can't FTP! Help! (viewed 6116 times)

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